62nd Anniversary of Rally Rounsaville’s Selection in 1962 NBA Draft

On this date March 26, 1962- Rally Rounsaville became Antioch’s first and only Antioch Unified School District graduate to be drafted into the National Basketball Association (NBA). Rally was selected 102nd by the St Louis Hawks making him the last overall. (1) (2)
When Rally was asked, what was it like being drafted by the NBA? he said, “I didn’t know until now. St Louis never contacted me.” Rally went on to say, “it could have been because we moved from San Francisco to Oakland and then to Walnut Creek in a couple years’ time period, so my addresses changed quickly.”
Rounsaville did have a couple of other opportunities to play professional basketball. Both were in the American Basketball League (ABL) that existed from 1961-1962.
After garnering All-Conference honors his junior year at California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo, the ABL Long Beach Chiefs claimed Rounsaville in their 1961 draft. (3) He chose to continue playing his senior year. For Rounsaville’s successful college career click here. His other opportunity was playing for the 1962 Oakland Oaks. He didn’t play during the season but did start in a pre-season exhibition game at Pittsburg High.
In closing, Rally said, “Being considered as the 102nd best basketball player picked in the 1962 NBA draft was an honor. Some of those guys went onto having Hall of Fame careers.” We agree Rally, greats like Don Nelson, Dave DeBusschere and John Havlicek. That’s rare company to be considered with.
By Tom Lamothe