Antioch’s Medal of Honor Ty Carter Supports the Delta Veteran’s Fund raiser at The Antioch Historical Society

Delta Veterans Group Raises Funds to Support “Stand Down on The Delta”
Medal of Honor recipient Ty Carter shaking hands with Antioch Historical volunteer Bill Fraga. Mr. Carter is showing support at a fund raiser conducted by the Delta Veterans Group at the Antioch Historical Society at 1500 West 4th Street today Saturday April 11, 2015. The proceeds will support the Delta Veterans Group in bringing their bi-annual homeless veteran Stand Down to East Contra Costa County – “Stand Down on The Delta” – and looks forward to its beginning September 11 of 2015. The Stand Down will be the Contra Costa Fairgrounds in Antioch, CA. The services that will provide health screenings, dental, legal assistance, veteran’s benefits counseling, shelter placement, hygiene packets and independent living services. This event is designed to give veterans that are homeless another opportunity to reconnect back to their communities. Medal of Honor recipient Ty Carter shaking hands with Antioch Historical volunteer Bill Fraga.
Thanks to the Delta Veterans Group website: