In Loving Memory of Norm Bittner February 11, 1959 – August 5, 2017

Antioch Sports Legends Published by Tom Lamothe This Saturday, April 9th, from 1-4 pm, the Antioch Sports Legends museum will be having a lineup of Hall of Famers that are former Major League Baseball players as our docents. Our Saturday line-up is, Antioch’s first MLB player Gene “Butch” Rounsaville (ASL-HOF 2007); Antioch’s only World Series Champion, Aaron…
In Memory of Edmund “Babe” Atkinson February 7, 1908 – January 6, 2001
At tonight’s Hall of Fame Gala, Antioch High’s Gary Bras will be at the speaker’s podium to host another Hall of Fame Class, this is his fourth. Bras, a 1979 Hall of Fame Track and Field team member was inducted in 2016. Since 2011 he has supported the Sports Legends. First as a Research and…
The Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame, Inc is proud to announce, 2015 Hall of Fame inductee, Craig Carson as a new member of our Board of Directors. Carson fills Sue Tiernan’s vacant seat, she has moved out of the area. Carson had a 29-year career as a teacher at Antioch and Deer Valley…
Last Saturday, we had a successful Gala! I’d like to thank the many committee chairpersons that helped make the Gala one of Antioch’s greatest events. First of all, thanks to Katie Cook for all her support on the Display Committee, Gala Committee, and everywhere else you were needed! Thanks also to Umpqua bank manager Debbie…
Thanks to Co-Founders Tom Menasco and Eddie Beaudin, the Antioch Sports Legends are benefiting from CoCo Farm’s generosity. For nearly a year Menasco and Beaudin made presentations to the owner/operators of CoCo Farms before an agreement was made last October. This was just in the nick of time as with all of 2020 events being…