Oct 2013 Newsletter
Oct 2013 Newsletter PDF Download (3.47 MB)
Oct 2013 Newsletter PDF Download (3.47 MB)
Delta Veterans Group Raises Funds to Support “Stand Down on The Delta”
At the Inductee and Volunteer Recognition breakfast on the Gala induction weekend October 10, three of the Antioch Sports Legends hardworking volunteers were given the prestigious Antioch Sports Legends Founder’s Clock award. Each year, one or more volunteers are given the award for their dedication to the ASL program. This year, a surprised Bea and…
Antioch Wal-Mart employees spend half a day beautifying six different areas on historical museum grounds on Wednesday, April 22nd. Sue Gilbert, store manager, and fifteen employees volunteered to clear weeds, plant new plants and provide materials, working along with museum volunteers. The day’s event ended with a nice picnic lunch. The community is invited to…
Complying with the Contra Costa County Health Department COVID-19 Guidelines, the Antioch Sports Legends will be closed until May 3rd. We will not be having monthly meetings at the museum at this time but we are planning to have a conference call for the May 6th General Meeting. If you have questions call, Program Coordinator…
By Steve Dulas Sports Legends Staff Writer Deer Valley High School will be well represented when the National Football League season begins this week, with two former Wolverines expected to see plenty of playing time on the field and a third waiting in the wings. In Oakland, running back Taiwan Jones DVHS 2007, begins his…
At the city council meeting on Tuesday, August 12th, 2014, Antioch Sports Legends will receive a check of $3543 for participation in the Mayor’s Golf Tournament for 2014. Kay Power received the check on behalf of Antioch Sports Legends.