Oct 2013 Newsletter
Oct 2013 Newsletter PDF Download (3.47 MB)
Oct 2013 Newsletter PDF Download (3.47 MB)
At the city council meeting on Tuesday, August 12th, 2014, Antioch Sports Legends will receive a check of $3543 for participation in the Mayor’s Golf Tournament for 2014. Kay Power received the check on behalf of Antioch Sports Legends.
It was a historical Sports Legends meeting night. Sports legends and museum volunteers enjoyed a beautiful evening in the gazebo breaking in the new BBQ donated by the Leo Fontana Family Foundation for our October 1st monthly meeting.
April 7, 1970-50 years ago today Antioch High’s Gene “Butch” Rounsaville toes the rubber at Chicago’s White Sox Stadium as a relief pitcher and becomes Antioch’s first Major League Baseball (MLB ) player. It would be eight long years before the 6’3’ 205 pound, 1962 graduate would stand facing his first batter in the season…
At the Inductee and Volunteer Recognition breakfast on the Gala induction weekend October 10, three of the Antioch Sports Legends hardworking volunteers were given the prestigious Antioch Sports Legends Founder’s Clock award. Each year, one or more volunteers are given the award for their dedication to the ASL program. This year, a surprised Bea and…
The Antioch Sports Legends has been chosen as one of the five local No-Profits to be a benefactor of the 2019 Mayor’s Cup. The annual fundraiser golf tournament is being held at the Lone Tree Golf and Event Center, 4800 Golf Course Road, Sunday, June 2nd. Sign ups are at www.lonetreegolfcourse.com. Or if you would…
Panther Coach John Lucido’s coaching staff to assist