Selection Criteria

Modified November 1, 2017
Goals of the Research and Recognition (“R&R”) Committee
- Oversee and research the selection and nomination of athletes/teams/community leaders/and coaches for the upcoming ballot.
- Promote the Sports Legends Program and Hall.
- Recruit the community’s present and former athletes to become involved in the history of sports in Antioch.
- Meet every first Wednesday of the month at the museum to bring information on new and former candidates and utilize the library to do research on related information.
Changes in Procedures
Any proposed change/s in procedure discussed and approved in the Research and Recognition Committee meeting must be placed on the agenda of the Executive Committee meeting for discussion and approval. Upon approval in the Executive Committee meeting, the proposed change/s will then be discussed and voted on in the Sports Legends General meeting.
The proposed change/s can be passed only if there is a quorum present for the Research and Recognition Committee, Executive Committee and the Sports Legends General meetings. For purposes of conducting business a quorum for each meeting is established as follows:
- Research & Recognition: Five (5) Committee members in attendance
- Executive Committee: Five (5) Committee members in attendance
- Sports Legends General Meeting: Seven (7) members in attendance. If there are fewer than the above numbers of members in attendance then no vote may be taken. For purposes of establishing a quorum it is permissible to vote by proxy or attend via conference call.
Ballot Categories & Stipulations
The Antioch Sports Legends official ballot contains the following categories:
- All-Around Male Athlete with three (3) nominees and one (1) athlete inducted.
- All-Around Female Athlete with three (3) nominees and one (1) athlete inducted.
- Individual Male Athlete –with up to fifteen (15) nominees and up to eight (8) athletes inducted, with no more than three (3) nominees from any one sport on the ballot at the same time.
- Individual Female Athlete-with up to six (6) nominees and up to three (3) athletes inducted, with no more than two (2) nominees from any one sport on the ballot at the same time.
- Coach with five (5) nominees and one (1) coach inducted.
- Outstanding Team with five (5) nominees and one (1) team inducted TOTAL: 15 inductees
An individual who has been inducted as an athlete may be inducted into the Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame as a Coach, after a three-year wait, and vice versa if all other criteria have been met.
Team: Same-Sport Requirement
Once a team for a sport has been inducted into the Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame, no team from that sport can be inducted within the next two (2) years.
Voting Criteria for Antioch Sports Legends Members
General membership individuals may vote in the election of inductees if they have attended four (4) meetings in a year, or have contributed fifteen (15) hours of volunteer service. A person will be credited with having attended one (1) meeting for every five (5) hours of volunteer work performed. A person will be credited with having attended on (1) meeting for every five (5) hours of volunteer work performed. The fiscal year begins with the first General Membership meeting in March.
Voting criteria for Past Inductees
- All past inductees who show a continued interest in the program will be allowed to vote.
- All inductees will be sent a ballot until they become deceased. Family members are not allowed to vote in lieu of a deceased inductee.
Ineligibility of Team Coach or Captain to Vote
Neither the team coach nor the team captain will be sent a ballot and will not be allowed to vote unless otherwise qualified.
Criteria for Consideration for Nomination
- Only Antioch Unified School District VARSITY ATHLETE applicants that have graduated from an Antioch Unified School District High School are eligible for nomination.
- Unless otherwise modified by the Research and Recognition Committee, in its sole discretion, an applicant will be eligible for nomination fifteen (15) years after the applicant’s graduation year.
- Example: If the applicant graduated in June of 2000 they would be eligible for nomination in June of 2015 for the following year.
Individual Varsity Athlete
Individual varsity athletes must meet at least ONE of the following criteria in the nominated sport:
- Most Valuable Athlete/Senior Athlete of the Year.
- First or Second Team All-League selection. Athletes in sports without All-League teams/awards must finish 1st or 2nd in their individual events(s) at the League finals.
- First or Second Team All-Area selection. Athletes in sports without All-Area teams/awards must finish 1st or 2nd in their individual event finals at a North Coast Section qualifying or championship event.
- Special consideration for athletes from 1911 to 1945 may be made in lieu of All-League or All-Area teams selections, but must be approved by the Research and Recognition Committee.
- Qualify for and compete in a California State CIF championship event.
- f. Named to an officially recognized high school sports team or recipient of an individual high school athletic award at a County, Regional, Bay Area, Northern California, State of California, or National level.
- Recipient of an athletic scholarship to a 4-year college or university awarded to the applicant while a student at any high school in the Antioch Unified School District.
- Participated in a professional sport at the highest level that sport recognizes. (Must have been on a roster a minimum of one (1) game/match and have received monetary compensation for that participation). Examples include but not limited to:
- NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, NHL, PGA, LPGA, USPV, Softball, Track and Field, etc.
- The Research and Recognition Committee will determine in it’s sole discretion which sports fall under the designation of a “Professional Sport”
All-Around Athlete
- Must have received a varsity letter in at least three (3) sports for a male, and at least two (2) sports for a female in the same school year to be eligible.
- Must achieve at least a First or Second Team All-League selection or higher honor in two sports during the qualifying year. Athletes in sports without All-League teams/awards must finish 1st or 2nd in their individual event(s) at the league finals or higher competition.
- A nomination can be made for a male athlete with only two (2) sports if, at the determination of the Research and Recognition Committee, qualified nominees in three (3) sports cannot be found.
Focus is on his/her local Antioch Unified School District high school documented record. Optional: other school, college, or pro. Considerations include:
- Must have coached a minimum of five (5) years as a head Coach in a single sport at VARSITY level at an Antioch Unified School District high school.
- If a person has been a head coach in a single sport at the VARSITY level for less than the required five (5) year period, but is still coaching in that sport, after ten (10) years that person will be eligible to be nominated at that time.
- Number of championships (League/North Coast/State), won/loss records.
Varsity Team
Team must have been at an Antioch Unified School District high school. Considerations include:
- League/North Coast or state championship.
- Season record/league and over-all.
- State/National level of recognition (Championships/ranking/honorable mention).
- Must have been an undisputed League or higher level Champion: Co-champion teams are not eligible.
- An individual member of a nominated team, if requested by the Research and Recognition Committee, shall provide verifiable documentation that he or she was awarded a Varsity letter for the year in which the team is nominated. Such verification, in addition to those detailed in the Documentation Requirements of these Guidelines, may include a Varsity Certificate or other official document issued to the individual team member by the high school, league or other CIF recognized organization.
Community Leader (Special Recognition Category)
Focus is on accomplishments and contributions within the Antioch sports community.
- Community Leader may be selected individually or as a group.
- Community Leader shall be selected by the Research and Recognition Committee for special recognition at the Sports Legends Hall of Fame Induction Banquet.
Selection of Inductees
The Research and Recognition Committee will vote for those potential inductees to be placed on the ballot for the current year.
- The Research and Recognition Committee reserves the right to place any qualified athlete, team, or individual on the ballot for induction consideration by the Sports Legends general membership.
- Relatives of a deceased inductee will have a choice to accept this honor or select an alternate to accept this honor for the deceased.
- Nominees who have been nominated for induction and have not been inducted will remain eligible for the period of two (2) years. After a period of two (2) years, the Research and Recognition Committee will have the right, but not the obligation to vote on whether these candidates’ names should be moved to the nominee pool or remain on the ballot.
- To move a nominee from the ballot to the nominee pool will require a majority vote by the Research and Recognition Committee and must include a minimum of seven (7) eligible committee members voting in attendance.
- The vote will be held at an officially scheduled Research and Recognition Committee meeting.
- An individual athlete nominee who has been inducted as an athlete may be inducted into the Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame as a Coach, after a three-year wait, and vice versa if all other criteria have been met.
- In the event, in their reasonable judgment the Research and Recognition Committee determines that a nomination category does not have the requisite number of qualified nominees to place on the ballot in any given year, the Research and Recognition Committee shall have the right to:
- Change the graduation date for athletes to be eligible for nomination to the Sports Legends Hall of Fame.
- Suspend from consideration for that year any nomination category.
- Reduce for that year the number of eligible nominees in any category.
- Modify the categories to increase or decrease the number of nominees as long as the total number of inductees does not exceed (15).
- The Research and Recognition Committee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to select annually, up to two (2) inductees into the Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame.
- The inductee shall meet the approved criteria for admission into the Hall of Fame.
- The inductee may come from any ballot category.
- Selection of inductee(s) (1 or 2) will decrease the total number of inductees in that year’s category by an equal number for that year.
- The inductee shall have been on the ballot for a minimum of one (1) year.
- A majority vote by the Research and Recognition Committee will be final and must include a minimum of seven (7) eligible committee members in attendance.
- The vote will be held at an officially scheduled Research and Recognition blackboard meeting.
- In the event a member of the Research and Recognition Committee is a paid employee of the Antioch Historical Society, that person shall be entitled to vote on Research and Recognition matters as long as he/she meets Antioch Historical Society and Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame requirements and is an active participant on the Research and Recognition Committee.
Tie-Breaker Criteria for Nomination
- Both candidates will be inducted, but this will occur in consecutive years. The candidate not inducted will be automatically inducted the following year.
- The nominee who has been on the ballot the longest period of time will be inducted first.
- If both candidates have been on the nomination list the same length of time, the one with the first graduation date will be inducted first.
- If both candidates graduated in the same year, a Founder and three members from the Research and Recognition Committee will flip a coin at a predetermined time to determine the current inductee, and the athlete not chosen will be inducted the following year.
Documentation Requirements
- The person making a nomination is responsible for completing the research on that individual or team.
- Documentation must meet the requirements as stated by the committee; otherwise, the person will not be accepted for nomination.
- Documentation must contain the source of the information such as the newspaper name, page #, program dates, etc.
- Attach a photo copy or picture of the documentation, if possible.
Nomination of Family Members
No member of the Research and Recognition Committee can nominate an immediate family member for induction into Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame.
Code of Conduct
The Research and Recognition Committee reserves the right to remove any Inductee from the Sports Legends Hall of Fame, or any nominee from the ballot for personal conduct which reflects adversely upon the Sports Legends Hall of Fame. Such action shall be taken at an official R&R meeting by a majority vote of the Committee.
Professional Athletes
A professional athlete is eligible to be inducted into the Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame when that person’s class is eligible.
Nomination Form
Deadline for submissions from the public for the next year’s class is the last day of June.
Notification of Inductees (As time and staffing permits):
- Nominees will be notified by letter that they are on the ballot.
- After the election, nominees who were not chosen that year will be notified.
- An explanation of the Sports Legends’ process for retention on the ballot will also be included.