Sports Legends

The Antioch Historical Society Museum Sports Legends Program and Display is dedicated to preserving the historical achievements of both genders and all sports in our community for present and future generations. The display reflects the “Best of the Best”. The program is based on inclusion rather than exclusion. Recognition includes athletes, coaches and leaders from youth and community programs, high school through college, and on to the pros. The Antioch Historical Society Museum will continue to be a center for outreach, education, and recognition.
Dedication: October 27, 2007
2006-07 Sports Legends History
For years Antioch athletes have been making history locally and nationally. Antioch’s George “Bus” Ackerman was Antioch’s first “All American” of record in 1929, at St. Mary’s College in Moraga, California. Since then thousands of other graduates of Antioch High School and now Deer Valley High School have competed at the highest levels, and many have gone on to college and professional teams. They have represented our town and its residents to the best of their ability bringing credit to our community.
Over the years, many local sports buffs have mentioned that Antioch has been lacking in the representation of its rich sports history. The general consensus throughout the community was that it would take a lot of work and monetary support to establish a first class program and display. After many community discussions with individuals and groups, it was evident that there was possibly sufficient interest, but an obvious lack of leadership for such a community effort.
In 1999, Tom Menasco went before the Historical Society Board of Directors and received approval of the board to support a sports legends program on the museum grounds under the Historical Society’s umbrella. Plans laid dormant due to Tom’s many volunteer activities during retirement. In 2005, Tom divested himself of most of his community service activities and made it a personal goal to put together a “founders facilitators group” that wanted to develop a program to pay tribute to the “best of the best” athletes from the past, present and future. Eddie Beaudin, Jim Boccio, Sr., Leo Fontana, Dave Sanderson and Tom formed the Antioch Sports Legends Program Founders Facilitators Committee to spearhead this community project.
In March of 2006, the founders committee kicked off the first community-wide organizational meeting. In the first 90 days, over 40 Antioch Boosters joined the Sports Legends Program and folks have been joining every month since. The program has been in existence for 19 months with volunteers serving on the following subcommittees: Research, Achievement and Recognition; Finance and Fundraising; Public Relations and Recruitment; Display and Design, Artifacts Collection/Records; Dinner Gala and Open House. In addition, the founders are serving on the Executive Committee with the program’s secretary, treasurer, and subcommittee chairs. This organizational structure has become the foundation of this program. The support system has been comprised of volunteers who have given hundreds of hours of time and effort, as well as many individuals, non-profits, and businesses who have donated thousands of dollars to make this program possible. We now have 3,000 square feet of newly renovated space in the ground level floor of the Antioch Historical Museum building. This space contains a classroom, sports hall, mini-theatre, storage space, workshop and sports legends museum/office.
Our goal is to expand the program and display by getting more sports boosters interested in the museum’s programs. Focus will include attracting youth and familes through a community outreach program with educational and recreational acitivites.
What was once an idea has become a reality. The rest is history for future generations to enjoy.
Founders: Tom Menasco, Eddie Beaudin, Jim Boccio, Sr., Leo Fontana, Dave Sanderson
Subcommittee Chairs: Louie Rocha, Frank Mercado, Laura Jacques, Alice Beede
Construction Coordinators: Dave Brink, Jim Boccio, Sr.
Secretary: Joyce Inaba Lee
Treasurer: Renee Mercado
- Media Sponsor: East County Times
- Lodging Sponsor: Oakley Comfort Suites
- Architectural Schematics: Laura Jacques, Sandy Riggins
- Artifacts Coordinator: Alice Beede
- Media Coordinator/Liaison: Tracy Nelson with NelsonNewsletter Desktop Publishing
- Program Design/Layout/ProWall: Chris Jacques with ROBO STUDIO Creative Services
- Program Contents/Editors: Joyce Inaba Lee, Tom Menasco
- Inductee Biographies: Tracy Nelson with NelsonNewsletter Desktop Publishing
- Founders Portraits: Linda Johnson with Linda Johnson Photography
- Antioch Historical Society Page: Bari Costello
- Design Consultant: Jackson Santos with Best Santos Studio
- Design and Display Implementation: Laura Jacques
- Gala Dinner Center Pieces: Gloria Martin and Paula’s Family Florist
- Gala Dinner Souvenir Chocolate Bars: Gloria Martin and Marlane Marchetti with Marlane’s Boutique
- Program Printer: Dan and Brian Arata with Arata Printing
- Brick Sales: Phyllis Hiebert
- Antioch Historical Society Joint Open House Committee Chairs: Dave Sanderson, Liz Rimbault
Original Committee Members
- Atkinson, Dave
- Baldocchi, Nello
- Beaudin, Eddie
- Baugh, Eric
- Beede, Alice
- Bilbo, Joanne
- Boccio, Sr., Jim
- Brink, Dave
- Burke, Richard
- Copeland, Michele
- Costello, Bari
- Fontana, Leo
- Fowler, Ken
- Fraga, Bill
- Goehrig, Sally
- Head, Tina
- Hiebert, Bruce
- Hiebert, Phyllis
- Jacques, Chris
- Jacques, Laura
- Janicki, Linda
- Joseph, Jill
- Lanter, Jim
- Lee, Joyce Inaba
- MacCallister, Frank
- Maciel, Beverly
- Marchetti, Dante
- Marks, Joe
- Martin, Gloria
- Menasco, Tom
- Mercado, Frank
- Mercado, Renee
- Murray, Leroy
- Olds, Jim
- Olenchalk, Joe
- Owenson, Dee
- Power, Kay Atkinson
- Riggins, Eddie
- Riggins, Sandy
- Rocha, Louie
- Romo, Manny
- Sanderson, Dave
- Snelson, Bill
- Sweeney, Brian
Original Friends of the Sports Legends Program
- Acevedo, Julie
- Baskin, Clay
- Beede, Frank
- Bergerhouse, Scott
- Boccio, Jr., Jim
- Bowen, Steve
- Brennan, Jim
- Broughton, Kerry
- Cattilico, Horace
- Chapman, Bill & Mary
- Chathram, Tom
- Clay, Jim
- Coalter, Jim
- Dal Porto, Sharon
- Davis, Jim
- Del Monte, George
- Del Monte, Charles
- Diaz, Rick
- Fowler, Ken
- Freitas, Don
- Green, Jim
- Hurd, MikeIsidore, Clarence
- Kalinowski, Brian
- Karste, Lonnie
- Kuntz, Kevin Magana, Jim
- Marchetti, Mickie
- Mathias, Debbie
- Mercado, Bill
- Monfort, Nancy
- Moore, Reggie
- Norgol, Jerry
- Parsons, Barney
- Romo, Sal
- Rounsaville, Butch
- Sankhagowit, Yong
- Scudero, Steve
- Shaw, Worth & Bertha
- Simonsen, Arne
- Soto, Santiago
- Tamayo, Jeff
- Walkins, Brian
- Warrenburg, Jeff
- Whitman, John