The 20th Anniversary Memorial of Edmund “Babe” Atkinson February 8, 1908- January 6, 2001

In Memory of Edmund “Babe” Atkinson February 7, 1908 – January 6, 2001
In Memory of Edmund “Babe” Atkinson February 7, 1908 – January 6, 2001
A very special Happy 90th Birthday to Joanne Bilbo, also known as “Ticket Lady”. If you’ve bought a ticket to the Hall of Fame Gala or to the Antioch Historical Society Crab feed or any event at the museum you most likely bought the ticket from Joanne. For any age, Joanne is an active person….
1932 St Mary’s Football Team Captain- Mayor of Antioch 1950-1954
Gino Marchetti, the mountain of a man who personified Antioch toughness on and off the field has succumbed to death in Baltimore, Maryland, April 29, 2019, at the age of 93. Anyone growing up in Antioch during the 1940’s through the 1970’s either had a father or an uncle who played with Gino or knew…
Antioch’s Business Leaders and Antioch Sports Legends Join in on the Food and Fun.
Due to the busy preparation for the 2023 Hall of Fame Gala, The Antioch Sports Legends Hall of Fame, Inc., Research and Recognition, Directors, and General Board meetings have been postponed to a later date. If you are interested in volunteering or obtaining tickets to the 2023 Hall of Fame Gala or Alumni post tournament…
At tonight’s Hall of Fame Gala, Antioch High’s Gary Bras will be at the speaker’s podium to host another Hall of Fame Class, this is his fourth. Bras, a 1979 Hall of Fame Track and Field team member was inducted in 2016. Since 2011 he has supported the Sports Legends. First as a Research and…